Friday, October 11, 2013

Times They Are A Changing

Hello all! Can I use the word all when there will probably only be about 10 views of this page? Oh well, I'm going for it. ALL!

If any of you read my sad sack 30th birthday blog then you've probably realized there are some changes going on in my life. But, there are also a plethora of things happening, often more important things, with the people in and around my life. It's been a busy couple of weeks and I apologize for not getting a couple more posts out recently.

First, I'd like to take a second to congratulate my youngest brother and his new wife on their marriage. Dylan and Kristin tied the knot last weekend! Congrats guys, I'm sure you will make each other very happy. I couldn't be more proud of you.

Their wedding was an interesting affair. It was an outdoor ceremony set in the early evening. The venue was gorgeous with the exception that Mother Nature decided to bless us with 36 hours of continuous rain. The clouds would tease us and act as if the rain was going to stop just long enough for the ceremony until the wind blew and another downpour let loose.

The people I felt worst for were the bridesmaids and the spectators. As a groomsman I was fortunate enough to be wearing a tuxedo. For those of you who have never worn a rented tuxedo, it provides about 5 layers of protection against the outside elements. This is a great feature if it's cold or rainy (as was this case this time) but leaves the wearer a tad uncomfortable in even the most moderate climates. The bridesmaids and many of the spectators were wearing dresses with their hair done up in classic wedding styles (strapless dresses and curly hair). This is not exactly an optimal set up for a rainy day.

But, Dylan and Kristin soldiered through and the ceremony ended up being a rousing success. I had a damn good time with the whole thing.

The reception was also outside, albeit under a tent, and the ground was somewhat squishy. The speeches were a bit haphazard, the cake started to melt, and the bar was a little empty. However, the DJ was a good one and the dance floor was packed all night. If any of you know Dylan, this shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

All in all pretty much everything that can go wrong with a wedding did, but it was still a hell of a time! Dylan and Kristin made it through the ceremony and seemed immensely happy at the eventual outcome. They are currently road tripping randomly around the country and I wish them all the best in the future.

Three days after the ceremony my second youngest brother (Cullen) and his girlfriend (Heather) embarked upon a round the world trip. When I say "around the world" I don't mean Mexico-Canada-Home. I mean they are planning on being gone multiple years and visiting 22+ countries throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. You can follow, and I recommend that you do, their travel blog at  (Cullen is at least as talented, and probably more so, of a writer as I am. He can be very entertaining)

As chaotic as it has been from the outside looking in on these couple of events, I can't even imagine how much stress and fervor has been happening behind closed doors for those two couples.

In the matter of 3 days one of my brothers got married and another left the country indefinitely. I wish all of them the best of luck on their very different adventures. It truly won't be there same around here. In many ways I am jealous of both Cullen and Dylan but, I'll try to be adult and not call them assholes......assholes!

Oh, I almost forgot. Today is Dylan's 24th (I think) birthday. Happy birthday brother!

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